

Your loyalty rewarded!

Are you a RAPOSO customer who has been satisfied with our products and service? Or you are not a customer but nonetheless you would like to benefit from a good opportunity? Tell your family and friends all about us and become one of our SPONSORS. You will immediately gain through our RULE OF 5!

 The rule of 5? It's very simple…

Thanks to your efforts, a member of your family or one of your friends contacts RAPOSO**. If they sign their order form within 5 months of receiving it, you will receive a RAPOSO or BONGO voucher determined by the value of their order*. But that's not all! If 5 of your family members and friends sign up with RAPOSO within 5 months, you become a SUPER SPONSOR and the owner of a splendid IPAD tablet.


( euro )
( voucher )
Between 3.000 and 5.000 € Until 150 €
Between 5.000 and 10.000 € for 200 € to 350 €
Above 10.000 € for 350 € to 500 € 

What can you do with this voucher?

  • I want to treat myself and exchange this sum for a fantastic BONGO gift. 
  • It will be my pleasure to present someone I know with a gift voucher valid at RAPOSO.

But that is not all!

If 5 of your family members and friends sign up with RAPOSO within 5 months, you become a SUPER SPONSOR and the owner of a splendid iPad tablet.

So, you don't need to go to great lengths to benefit from the RAPOSO rule of 5.


We are counting on you!

*Amount calculated starting from a minimum quote of €3,000, excluding installation and VAT.

**The prospect you tell us about cannot already have been a Raposo customer and cannot already have been in contact with the Raposo company.

Your personal informations

Sponsored informations

*All required fields must be filled in.